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The Difference Between Natural Latex And Synthetic Blends Of Latex?

Is the latex 100% natural or is it a blend ?

100% Pure Latex – No clay fillers, no chemical dyes, no pesticides, no bleach, and no carcinogenic adhesives.

Several retailers on the web and otherwise make the claim that their latex mattresses are produced with 100% latex; however, even man-made synthetic latex can be considered “100% latex”. Just as you probably know there is a lot of leeway given in the labeling of food ingredients, the same holds true in the advertising of latex mattresses. There is a difference between blended “100% latex” and pure 100% natural latex however. 100% natural latex is known to be inherently more elastic and resilient, expanding and better conforming to the various levels of weight and pressure it is exposed to.

While blended latex (a combination of natural and synthetic latex) is what is mostly used in mattresses, the feel is a less-lively one that doesn’t have the same “kickback” or resilience, but instead provides less response to pressure and weight aside from passively absorbing it. Blended latex is also widely perceived to be less durable and more prone to break down over time. In most cases blended latex contains about 30-40% natural latex, with the remaining 60-70% being synthetic latex and/or fillers. You may be content with a blended latex mattress, but when shopping, be sure you’re comparing apples to apples.


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