Mattress Reviews By A 25 Year Mattress Expert: Objective Testing, Easy To Read Recommendations
My name is Marc Anderson and I spent 25 years as a mattress designer and manufacturer. I learned very quickly that most people hate mattress shopping and get frustrated with all of the marketing mumbo jumbo. Reading mattress reviews can also be confusing and boring!
Even worse, there’s nothing more terrible than walking into a mattress store and having to choose between 35-40 mattresses that kind of all feel similar, or wading through endless mattress reviews with far too much scientific data.
How do you know if you’re paying too much, or not investing in something that’s going to feel just as good five years from now as it does the day you buy it? From memory foam to latex, hybrids to innerspring, I’ll help you make a sound mattress purchase you won’t regret!

The Only Mattress Review Site Headed By A Mattress Industry Veteran
We educate mattress shoppers by using objective and subjective expert opinion drawing on 25 years of mattress manufacturing and design experience. Get-to-the-point mattress reviews that are concise and honest.

A Field Guide To Mattress Shopping-So You Don’t Get Scammed
A page chock full of everything you need to learn to find the best mattress-in about ten minutes flat. We also offer in depth discussions of mattress types, mattress reviews written by one guy (not digital marketers), and explanations of common mattress industry practices.

Cups And Balls Mattress Scams And Trickery. We Reveal It All.
After being a mattress manufacturer and designer himself for 25 years, our CEO knows the cheat sheet and playbook of the mattress sales business- and how to help you get started with objective mattress reviews that help.

Is It High Time You Replaced Your Mattress? We Tell You Why And Suggest When.
When is it time to replace your mattress? The amazing benefits of reinventing your sleep program and where to find the best mattress choices. Healthy best practices, too. A checklist to help you decide it’s time.

Mattress Dimensions, Understanding Split King vs. King, Double vs. Full, How To Buy If Solo Sleeper vs. Couple, And Much More.
Our comprehensive guide to mattress measurements. Upgrading your size? We explain your options and best mattress choices in each of our mattress reviews.

An Insider’s Guide To The Best Pillows On The Web
A fantastically awesome pillow is critical to a great night’s sleep. From memory foam to gel, to hypoallergenic and latex, our expert found the best options to improve your sleep, and properly support your head and neck so you wake up pain free.
Featured Mattress Reviews By A 25 Year Mattress Industry Expert
I Test The Web’s Popular Mattress Brands Using My Own 10 Point Objective Ranking System, And Give You Great Mattress Reviews That Make Shopping More Fun!

Real & Honest Mattress Reviews: No Long Winded Videos, Rambling Content, Graphs, Or Charts
Because we manufactured and designed our own brands for 25 years, we know how to build the perfect mattress.
From foam layers to coils, to organic textiles to adhesives and sewing, we can spot the winners…and the losers. And we’re not afraid to give you our insider advice.
There are over 300 online mattress options to choose from. I’ve written detailed mattress reviews for just about all of them, but recommend only a handful. A curated list of great options- from retailers we trust.

The Puffy Royal Mattress
Why this mattress still stands as one of our perennial favorites. See my test results, plus, why it’s good for back and neck pain. Read our Puffy Royal Mattress Review here.

The Nectar Mattress Lineup: For Lower Back Pain, The Industry Standard
Nectar Mattress built its business perfecting memory foam. I’ve got mattress reviews of all of their models. For lower back and shoulder pain, they’re hard to beat.

A Mattress For Couples: Control Your Side Of The Bed!
We reviewed The Habitat Ascend Air Bed System. A digital number style air mattress loaded with features half the price of the leading brand.
Browse Reviews By Brand
Hybrid Coil And Foam
Digital Air / Number Style Beds

Expert Mattress Reviews On The Best Mattress Options On The Web- Not Owned By Mattress Companies…
The Mattress Buyer Guide is operated by an industry expert who spent 25 years as a mattress designer. Marc has scoured the internet to review and recommend the most comfortable and supportive mattresses you can buy. We are the only mattress review site that conducts a “deep review” on every best mattress option we test.

Easy To Understand Mattress Reviews
Our trustworthy recommendations of the web’s best affordable mattresses include a carefully chosen list of honest mattress retailers offering top quality mattresses at the best possible prices.
Rather than reviewing and listing hundreds of mattress options to choose from, Marc offers only about 50 brands in his Trusted Dealer program, simply because it’s very difficult to make the cut!
Having just a handful of mattress options makes your mattress shopping experience less miserable and less mystifying. Any suggestions or thoughts? Need any help? Contact us today.
My proprietary mattress reviews involve actually sleeping on and using each mattress we test- for weeks.
After we review them, we place each mattress into a long term reviewer’s home and monitor the process over time- we call this a”deep review”.
We also source reviews on the web, especially Google reviews, and sort them by positive vs. negative experience.