Our Mattress Quiz Is A Clinical Assessment That Matches You With the Perfect Mattress In Just Minutes
Everywhere you go you’re seeing so called “mattress quizzes”. Unfortunately most of these surveys are not administered by industry experts, and the answers are often auto-generated to provide digital marketing sites with the best commissions. Ours is different, and matches you based on your responses to real world questions.
If you give us 2 minutes and complete our 10 question online quiz, you’ll get a personalized clinical assessment and we’ll pair you up with mattress options that are tailored specifically to meet your requirements. The results appear instantly with a “learn more” link or a “buy now” link, if you’re ready to go. My name is Marc Anderson, and I spent 25 years as a mattress manufacturer and designer .
We Narrow Down The Options For You By Asking The Right Questions
I created our mattress quiz to be a real time assessment which uses AI and data weighting to analyze the best mattress options for you, mattresses I’ve personally tested and reviewed. Unlike most mattress review sites, we aren’t owned by mattress companies, and are the only mattress review site owned and operated by industry veterans and mattress designers.
You’ll have options to choose from that are described in detail on our web site, you can choose to learn more, or you can opt to click a “buy now” button which lands you on the site and product page that we have reviewed. In most cases these links offer better deals that if you hunted them down on your own.
You don’t have to provide an email address (you’ll see the skip to your results button) if you don’t want to. If you choose to, you can sign up and get informative emails and advice from me, and product specials I find that I think are worthwhile (we don’t sell, give away, share, or use your email address for ANYTHING else). Ready? Let’s get started, and Thanks!
Note that we have two separate quizzes, one for USA shoppers and one for Canadian shoppers. This is because Canadian mattress companies can ship everything within Canada at no charge to you. We have relationships with the most sought after brands in both the USA and Canada, all of which we have tested, reviewed, and have dense information about, right here on our web site. You can click on our Where To Buy tab at the top of any page to check all of our recommendations out.

Take Our Mattress Quiz And Get Matched With The Perfect Mattress
Our clinical mattress assessment queries you with a quick handful of precisely calibrated and relevant questions, and instantly pair you with at least two options tailored just for your specific needs.
We’ll even provide the links you’ll need either learn more or make a purchase decision in minutes, all so you don’t have to wade through websites. You get the link directly to the pages where your customized mattress options can be found.
We’ll help you choose a mattress from the web’s best retailers, using premium components and fabrics, so you’ll feel like you’re snuggling on a panda’s belly. We promise! Stop visiting endless review sites that are staffed with inexperienced so-called “mattress experts” that use seismometers, kettle balls, labcoats, and Geiger counters to “review” the web’s “best mattresses”!
Our Clinical Mattress Assessment Helps You Cut To The Chase And Make A Mattress Purchase You Won’t Regret

We spent months designing our mattress quiz so that the correct set of questions can accurately predict which mattress design, cost, type of support, and sleep benefits will work best for you.
Whether you like soft or foam, organic ingredients, and even where you experience pain, are all factored in to our state of the art AI and weight driven mattress quiz.
Take our mattress survey now, and get your personalized recommendations instantly. It takes about 2 minutes to complete the 10 question clinical assessment, and we offer two matching results to choose from.
You may also want to check out the following informative pages if you are considering a purchase soon.
Get the restorative sleep you deserve along with the satisfaction of knowing you will make an educated purchase.
You can opt out of signing up for our informative email program is you like, and simply get the results you need. Using AI and data analyzing software with our survey
Whether you live in the USA or Canada, we’ll match you up with locally crafted options that are established brands you’re probably familiar with. All options include no questions asked trial periods, trustworthy warranties, and competitive pricing, too.